Once you have decided to contact me we can have a preliminary discussion to decide how to proceed. Usually I would then visit you to discuss your concerns and most importantly your expectations of my involvement. Discussion with teachers, and other professionals would also ensue, followed by assessment of your child.
A written report, following the gathering of all evidence would be sent to you. This would describe what has been done to collect the evidence, how hypotheses have emerged, and with advice on these. These recommendations may be for you to share with your child's teachers, but also for yourselves and your child to consider. Throughout the assessment the concerns of your child are paramount.
I contribute to supporting the idenification of children's needs, working with staff to gather information, from discussion, observation and joint planning.
However your own experience will tell you that often other factors within school may come to light during any external interventions. I would discuss with you the possibility of whole school interventions, including training, which can support wider school development.
In consultation we can agree your requirements, timing, costs and of course what you are wanting from my involvement, no matter how big or small.
I offer single day consultations and assessment or blocks of days which you can spread over a term or a year.